Buenos días a todos, pues como veis en el titulo vendo juegos de Steam más baratos que en la Store Española o Latina, esto es así por una simple razón tengo algunos colegas en otras regiones y allí los juegos son más baratos y ellos me los compran y me los pasan en formato GIFT (aunque los compren en otras regiones, son activables en todo el mundo, salvo excepciones, que si se dan el caso, avisaré). Este traspaso de juegos es totalmente legal, podéis leer los términos y condiciones de Steam.
Que gano yo con esto, pues unos 0,40€ por juego.
Que ganáis vosotros, pues juegos mucho más baratos que en nuestra Store de Steam y todo el trabajo hecho.
Los pagos como serían, pues hay 2 opciones, mediante Paypal o mediante los items de Steam que se usan como moneda virtual (Gemas y Sacos de Gemas)
Yo tengo una lista de juegos que tengo para vender al momento, está siempre actualizada, aunque si estáis buscando otro juego, preguntadme y veré si se puede conseguir barato, ya que los precios varían y a veces no compensan.
Comenzamos con mi perfil de Steam (me podéis agregar para preguntar dudas, comprar, etc..): MI PERFIL DE STEAM
Seguimos con mi reputación por si alguno cree que timo o no se fía:MI REPUTACIÓN
Finalizamos con la lista de juegos y sus precios (Usad Ctrl + F y escribir el juego para buscar)(Aquí os dejo un excel con la lista de juegos totalmente actualizada al momento: JUEGOS SAW):
-------------------- Actualizada a 8 de Enero de 2015 -----------------------------
Un saludo a todos y a seguir compartiendo.
Que gano yo con esto, pues unos 0,40€ por juego.
Que ganáis vosotros, pues juegos mucho más baratos que en nuestra Store de Steam y todo el trabajo hecho.
Los pagos como serían, pues hay 2 opciones, mediante Paypal o mediante los items de Steam que se usan como moneda virtual (Gemas y Sacos de Gemas)
Yo tengo una lista de juegos que tengo para vender al momento, está siempre actualizada, aunque si estáis buscando otro juego, preguntadme y veré si se puede conseguir barato, ya que los precios varían y a veces no compensan.
Comenzamos con mi perfil de Steam (me podéis agregar para preguntar dudas, comprar, etc..): MI PERFIL DE STEAM
Seguimos con mi reputación por si alguno cree que timo o no se fía:MI REPUTACIÓN
Finalizamos con la lista de juegos y sus precios (Usad Ctrl + F y escribir el juego para buscar)(Aquí os dejo un excel con la lista de juegos totalmente actualizada al momento: JUEGOS SAW):
-------------------- Actualizada a 8 de Enero de 2015 -----------------------------
- 3SwitcheD:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- A Story About My Uncle:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Abyss Odyssey - Two Pack:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Ace of Spades:--- 6 Sacks or 2,4€
- Adventure Bundle Vol. 1:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Age of Empires II HD + The Forgotten Expansion:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Age of Empires III: Complete Collection:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Age of Wonders Trilogy Pack:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Alan Wake Franchise:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Alice: Madness Returns:--- 8,75 Sacks or 3,5€
- Alien: Isolation:--- 65 Sacks or 26€
- Alien: Isolation - Season Pass:--- 35 Sacks or 14€
- Aliens vs. Predator™:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Amnesia Collection:--- 16,25 Sacks or 6,5€
- Among the Sleep:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Anno 2070 Complete Edition:--- 35 Sacks or 14€
- Anno 2070:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Arcania + Gothic Pack:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Arena Wars 2:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- ARMA X: Anniversary Edition:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Armada 2526 Gold Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Assassin's Creed II: Deluxe Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Assassin's Creed Revelations:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Assassin’s Creed III Deluxe Edition:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Asteria:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Awesomenauts:--- 4 Sacks or 1,6€
- Banished:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Bastion:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY:--- 12 Sacks or 4,8€
- Batman: Arkham City GOTY:--- 12 Sacks or 4,8€
- Batman: Arkham Origins:--- 12 Sacks or 4,8€
- Batman: Arkham Origins - Season Pass:--- 12 Sacks or 4,8€
- BattleBlock Theater:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- BattleBlock Theater® - Ultra Baby's Co-op Chaos Pack:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2:--- 9 Sacks or 3,6€
- Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 Vietnam:--- 9 Sacks or 3,6€
- BioShock:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- BioShock 2:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Bioshock Triple Pack:--- 32 Sacks or 12,8€
- BIT.TRIP Collection:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger:--- 8 Sacks or 3,2€
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend:--- 62,5 Sacks or 25€
- Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Blood Bowl® Legendary Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Borderlands GOTY:--- 18 Sacks or 7,2€
- Booster Trooper:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Broken Age:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Bulletstorm:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Call of Duty:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare:--- 87,5 Sacks or 35€
- Call of Duty - Black Ops II Digital Deluxe:--- 50 Sacks or 20€
- Call of Duty: Ghosts - Gold Edition:--- 50 Sacks or 20€
- Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2:--- 35 Sacks or 14€
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3:--- 50 Sacks or 20€
- Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®:--- 35 Sacks or 14€
- Call of Duty®: War Chest:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Car Mechanic Simulator 2014:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Cargo Commander:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Carnage Racing ™:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Castle Crashers:--- 6,5 Sacks or 2,6€
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Digital Bundle:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Chains:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Chicken Shoot Gold:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Chivalry: Medieval Warfare:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Cities Xl Platinum:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Commandos Collection:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Contagion:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Contraption Maker:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Contrast:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Counter-Strike Complete:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Crusader Kings II:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Curse: The Eye of Isis:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Crypt of the NecroDancer:--- 22,5 Sacks or 9€
- Crysis 2 Maximum Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Damned:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Darksiders:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Darksiders II:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Darksiders Franchise Pack:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Dead Island Collection:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Dead Island GOTY:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Dead Island Riptide:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- DEAD OR ALIVE® 5 Last Round:--- 75 Sacks or 30€
- Dead Sky:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Dead Space 1:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Dead Space 2:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Dear Esther:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Defy Gravity Extended:--- 1 Sacks or 0,4€
- Delve Deeper:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Dementium II HD:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Depth:--- 11,25 Sacks or 4,5€
- Deponia:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Deponia: The Complete Journey:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Deus Ex: Invisible War:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Devil May Cry 3 & 4 Bundle:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Dirt 3:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- DiRT Showdown:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Dishonored:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Dishonored - Game of the Year Edition:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes:--- 55 Sacks or 22€
- Disney Mega Pack:--- 100 Sacks or 40€
- Divinity: Dragon Commander:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Divinity: Original Sin:--- 50 Sacks or 20€
- DLC Quest:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- DmC: Devil May Cry:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Don't Starve + Reign of Giants 2-Pack:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Doom Classic Complete:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Double Fine Bundle:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Dragon Age: Origins:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Dream Pinball 3D:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior Bundle:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Dungeon Defenders:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Dungeon Defenders II:--- 17,5 Sacks or 7€
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Edge of Space Standard Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Elven Legacy Collection:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Emergency 2014:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Empire: Total War Collection:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Enclave:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Epic Space: Online:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Euro Truck Simulator 2:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Gold Bundle:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Evolve:--- 87,5 Sacks or 35€
- F.E.A.R. Collection:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- F1 2011:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- F1 2013:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- F1 2013 Classic Edition Upgrade:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- F1 Race Stars:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Fallout 3:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Fallout Collection:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Fallout: New Vegas:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Family Guy™: Back to the Multiverse:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Far Cry®:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Far Cry Franchise Pack:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Final Exam:--- 4 Sacks or 1,6€
- Final Fantasy IV:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Flatout Complete Pack:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Football Manager 2013™:--- 150 Sacks or 60€
- Football Manager 2014:--- 150 Sacks or 60€
- Forced:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Forge - Starter Pack:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- FortressCraft Evolved!:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Freedom Force: Freedom Pack:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Frontlines: Fuel of War:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- FTL: Faster Than Light:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Full Mojo Rampage:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Full Spectrum Warrior Complete Pack:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Future Wars:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Game of Thrones Bundle:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Garry's Mod:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Gas Guzzlers Extreme:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Gauntlet™:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Ghostbusters: The Videogame:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Gods Will Be Watching:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Gorky17:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Grand Theft Auto Complete Pack:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Grid:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- GRID Autosport:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- GRID Autosport Season Pass:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Guild Wars: Eye of the North®:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Guild Wars® Game of the Year Edition:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Guild Wars® Trilogy:--- 45 Sacks or 18€
- Guncraft:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Guns of Icarus Online Collectors Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Half-Life 2:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Half-Life Anthology:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Half-Life Complete:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Halo: Spartan Assault:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Hamilton's Great Adventure:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Hospital Tycoon:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- How to Survive:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Hydrophobia: Prophecy:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- I Am Alive:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Ice Age™ 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Iesabel:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Insurgency:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Inversion™:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Iron Sky: Invasion:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Just Cause 2:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Just Cause 2: DLC Collection :--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- KickBeat Steam Edition:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Killing Floor:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Killing Floor Bundle:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Collection:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- KnightShift:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Krater:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Landmark - Settler Pack:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Larva Mortus:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Legendary:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Left 4 Dead 2:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Lego Batman 1:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Lego Batman 2:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Lego: Lord of the Rings:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes:--- 16,25 Sacks or 6,5€
- The LEGO Movie Videogame:--- 16,25 Sacks or 6,5€
- LEGO® Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Lego: The Hobbit:--- 16,25 Sacks or 6,5€
- Lethal League:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Lichdom: Battlemage:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Lord of the Rings: War in the North:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- LOST PLANET® 3:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Mad Riders:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Mad Riders - Daredevil Map Pack:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Mafia II:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Magicka:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Mars: War Logs:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Mass Effect Collection:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Max: The Curse of Brotherhood:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Medal of Honor Airborne:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Memoria:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Metal Slug 3:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Metal Slug 3 2pack:--- 11,25 Sacks or 4,5€
- Metal Slug X:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Metal Slug X 2-Pack:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Metro: Last Light Complete Edition:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Metro Redux Bundle:--- 50 Sacks or 20€
- Might and Magic Heroes VI: Complete Edition:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Might and Magic Heroes VI Gold:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Might and Magic Franchise Pack:--- 62,5 Sacks or 25€
- Might & Magic X - Legacy:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Minimum:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Mirror's Edge™:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Monkey Island: Special Edition Bundle:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Monaco:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Monster Loves You!:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Mount & Blade:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Mount & Blade: Warband:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- MX vs ATV Reflex:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Ms. Splosion Man:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Napoleon: Total War Collection:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Narco Terror:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Narco Terror 2pack:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Natural Selection 2 - Mega Pack:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- NS2: Combat:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Need for Speed Undercover:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Need for Speed: Shift:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Need for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Next Car Game:--- 33,75 Sacks or 13,5€
- Obulis:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Omerta - City of Gangsters - GOLD EDITION:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Onimusha™ 3: Demon Siege:--- 62,5 Sacks or 25€
- Operation Flashpoint Complete:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Orcs Must Die 2 - Complete Pack:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Orange Box:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Outlast: Whistleblower DLC:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Overlord Complete Pack:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Painkiller: Hell and Damnation:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Painkiller Complete Pack:--- 32,5 Sacks or 13€
- Papers, please:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Paradox Platinum Pack:--- 50 Sacks or 20€
- Patrician IV Gold:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- PAYDAY 2:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- PAYDAY The Heist:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Penumbra Collectors Pack:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Plague Inc: Evolved:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Planetary Annihilation:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Planet Explorers:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Planets Under Attack:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Pool Nation:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Pool Nation & Bumper Pack Bundle:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Port Royale 3 Gold and Patrician IV Gold - Double Pack:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Portal 2:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Portal Bundle:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Postal 2 Complete:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Pressure:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Primal Carnage:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™ Digital Deluxe Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Prince of Persia®: The Sands of Time:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Prison Architect:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2015:--- 75 Sacks or 30€
- Project Zomboid:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Prototype™:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Prototype 2:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Puzzle Quest: Galactrix:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- RAGE:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Rage: The Scorchers™:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Randal's Monday:--- 45 Sacks or 18€
- Red Faction:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Red Faction II:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Red Faction Collection:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Remember Me:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Rescue - Everyday Heroes:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- resident evil 4 / biohazard 4:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Resident Evil 5:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Resident Evil 6 Complete Pack:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations UE:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Rise of the Triad:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Rise of Venice Gold:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Risen Collection:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Rising Storm GOTY:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Risk Of Rain:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Rocksmith:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Rogue Legacy:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Rome: Total War™ Collection:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Rust:--- 13,75 Sacks or 5,5€
- Sacred Gold:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Sacred Collection:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Sanctum:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Scooby Doo! & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe: Adventure:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Scribblenauts Unlimited:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Scribblenauts Unmasked:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Secret Files Franchise Pack:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Secrets of Rætikon:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- SEGA War Bundle:--- 87,5 Sacks or 35€
- Shadowgate:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Shadowrun Returns:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Shadowrun Returns Deluxe:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Shadow Warrior:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Sid Meier's Civilization III: The Complete Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Sid Meier's Civilization V:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Sid Meier's Civilization V: Complete Edition:--- 31,25 Sacks or 12,5€
- Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Silent Storm Gold Edition:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Sine Mora:--- 6,25 Sacks or 2,5€
- Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Singularity™:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Skullgirls:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Sniper Elite:--- 6,25 Sacks or 2,5€
- Sniper Elite V2:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Space Engineer:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Space Hulk:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- Space Hulk - 2 Pack:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Space Trader: Merchant Marine:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Spacebase DF-9 + Hack 'n' Slash:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Space Run:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Spec Ops: The Line:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- SpeedRunners:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- SpellForce Complete:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Spintires:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- SPORE™ Complete Pack:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Star Wars Battlefront® II:--- 8,75 Sacks or 3,5€
- Star Wars® Empire at War™: Gold Pack:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- StarDrive:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Starvoid:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- State of Decay:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Stellar Impact Bundle:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Starpoint Gemini 2:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Strike Vector:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Stronghold Complete Pack:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- SUNLESS SEA:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Super Meat Boy:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Super Sanctum TD:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Takedown: Red Sabre:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Tank Universal:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Terraria:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- Teslagrad:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Testament of Sherlock Holmes:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- The Apogee Throwback Pack:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- The Banner Saga:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- The Book of Unwritten Tales Collection:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- The Binding of Isaac:--- 2,5 Sacks or 1€
- The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb:--- 1,25 Sacks or 0,5€
- The Binding of Isaac Collection:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- The Binding of Isaac Rebirth:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- The Bionic Commando Pack:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- The Cursed Crusade:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- The Daedalic Armageddon Bundle:--- 62,5 Sacks or 25€
- The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- The Darkness II:--- 3,75 Sacks or 1,5€
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- The Forest:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- The Guild Collection:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- The Last Express Gold Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- The Last Tinker: City of Colors + Soundtrack:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- The Legend of Korra™:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- The Red Solstice:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter:--- 32,5 Sacks or 13€
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Collector's Edition Upgrade:--- 16,25 Sacks or 6,5€
- The Walking Dead:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- The Walking Dead: Season 2:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- The Walking Dead™: Survival Instinct:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- The Wolf Among Us:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Theatre of War Collection:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Thief: Master Thief Edition:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Thief DLC: Challenge Map:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Thief: The Bank Heist:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- TimeShift™:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Titan Quest Gold:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Deluxe Edition:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Elite Echelon Edition:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Tomb Raider GOTY:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Torchlight:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Torchlight II:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Total War™: ROME II:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Collection:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- TrackMania² Valley:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Train Simulator 2015: Steam Edition:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Transformers™: War for Cybertron™:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Transistor:--- 18,75 Sacks or 7,5€
- Trials Fusion - Deluxe Edition:--- 35 Sacks or 14€
- Tropico Trilogy:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Tropico 5:--- 25 Sacks or 10€
- Tropico 5 4-pack:--- 75 Sacks or 30€
- Tropico 5 Steam Special Edition:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Trucks & Trailers:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Two Worlds II: Castle Defense:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Valve Complete Pack:--- 75 Sacks or 30€
- Verdun:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Viking: Battle for Asgard:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Wargame: Airland Battle:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Wargame: European Escalation:--- 7,5 Sacks or 3€
- Watchmen: The End is Nigh Bundle:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Special Editions:--- 37,5 Sacks or 15€
- Wolf Pack:--- 12,5 Sacks or 5€
- Worms Collection:--- 30 Sacks or 12€
- Worms Clan Wars:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Worms Revolution:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- Worms Reloaded: Game of the Year Edition:--- 10 Sacks or 4€
- Worms Ultimate Mayhem:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
- WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- XCOM: Enemy Within:--- 20 Sacks or 8€
- Ys Origin:--- 15 Sacks or 6€
- Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition:--- 5 Sacks or 2€
Un saludo a todos y a seguir compartiendo.