compartir hd en red con pelis

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  • compartir hd en red con pelis


    Tengo un hd externo de 2,5" con pelis y series que voy conectando al pc para copiar nuevas y borrar vistas y que conecto por usb a las teles para verlas.
    Es muy poca molestia, total en un momento está hecho.
    Conozco plex y lo he usado, pero tengo que mantener el pc encendido para poder compartir el contenido y quiero ahorrar electricidad.

    ¿ Quisiera saber si hay algún tipo de hardware o forma de compartir el contenido de este disco (pelis y series) en red y poder acceder a este contenido
    desde el pc y las teles ?
    ¿ Quizás conectándolo al puerto usb del router ?
    ¿ Quizás configurando un servidor NAS con algún hardware que consuma poca electricidad ?
    Si se pudiese... ¿ Cómo accedo a este contenido desde las teles xiaomi con android tv ?

    Muchas Gracias !!!

  • #2
    Hello! It's great to hear that you have a 2.5" external HD filled with movies and series that you enjoy watching on your PC and TVs. If you're looking for a convenient way to share your content on the network and access it from both devices without keeping your PC running all the time, there are a couple of options you can explore. One option is connecting your external HD to the USB port of your router, if it supports USB file sharing. This would enable you to access the content from any device connected to your home network. Alternatively, you could consider setting up a NAS server using low-power hardware. A NAS server acts as a central storage hub, allowing you to access your media files from multiple devices. As for accessing the content on your Xiaomi TVs with Android TV, you can use applications like VLC or Kodi, which support network file sharing. I hope these suggestions help you find a solution that suits your needs. Happy streaming!


    • #3
      I was found the way to share the content of usb external drive by the roter usb port and DLNA.
      But I don't know how I can manage his files from my pc. I don't know how to upload or delete files
      Did you ?


